Tyler grew up outside of Tyler, TX where his love for the outdoors was ignited by his grandfather, father, and uncle from the time he could walk. “I used to think I loved fishing until my dad took me duck hunting. But once I had a taste of the duck blind, nothing quite added up to the thrill of chasing ducks”.
After a short stint as an oil & gas surveyor, Tyler now manages the public parks and baseball complexes around his hometown. In the Summer of 2020, he began sharing his designs on social media and quickly attracted a large following amongst outdoorsmen who appreciate his ability to create art that blends pop-culture and the outdoors.
In November 2020, Tyler’s life changed when he was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis, and everything came to a stop. “After two years and multiple drug trials, my doctor has classified me as being in remission as of January 2023. I am fortunate to have had a positive outcome with this disease, and using my platform to raise awareness of MS has become a passion of mine.”
Tyler now lives in Bullard, TX with his wife and 3 rowdy boys and coyote hunts behind his house multiple times a week.
Create Your Custom TSpitz Hat
When and how did you get started creating art?
I’ve been drawing since I was a little kid. But, in 2015 I started incorporating the outdoors into my designs on hand drawn sketches and sold my first prints to close friends and family.
(Other than Lost) Who is your favorite person or company you’ve worked with?
I really enjoyed working with Gunner Kennels early in my career. That was a great project and helped form a relationship that I still value today.
If you could work with one dream company or client who would that be?
I’ve always wanted to collab with Yeti. The shirts they make and artists they work with are so awesome.
How has your Creative process changed over the years?
Once people started asking for my designs on other things like shirts and decals, I knew I needed to start working digitally, so I began learning to use the programs I still use today. Learning the formats my clients need was challenging, but I’ve got that down now. My middle son loves to draw with me, but he bumps into me constantly, so I get my best work done after putting the kids to bed.
Favorite Design?
Oh man. The Marlboro Mallard design, I think. My grandfather smoked Marlboro 100s like they were going out of style. He would save up the little reward point tabs and let me pick stuff out of the catalog to buy with them. (This is the most Texas thing we’ve ever heard)
Who has influenced you the most?
Honestly, if my wife hadn’t pushed me to post my art years ago I probably wouldn’t be where I am in my career today. Continually being creative is a GRIND and if it weren’t for her support and willingness to take care of our kids and family as well as she does I wouldn’t be half as successful as I have been. Next time you like one of my designs, thank my wife.
Why team up with Lost?
It's funny how things work out… I have followed y’all from the beginning and even have a few Ducks Unlimited hats from Lost that got me thinking about using them for my designs. The hat game has always been something I’ve wanted to get better at, but stocking and fulfilment is a struggle for me since I’m just one guy.
The Patchery was a no brainer and I think it’s really going to change the game for how artists can offer merch.
Most important question: What is your duck hunting setup? Gear, gun, shells, call, boat, etc.
I shoot my left-handed Remington 11-87 and old Browning A5, Jeb’s Chokes, Migra Ammunition but I’m trying out Boss this season.
My boat is a 1996 War Eagle I’m repainting now with an old Dixie surface drive that currently doesn’t run… Haha.
I lose duck calls all the time, but I have an RNT Mondo and an old Zink poly double reed, along with a Buck Gardner gadwall call and wood duck whistle.
Man, I haven’t thought about this stuff in a while. I wonder what the rich people are hunting with?

Learn more about Tyler and his art at TylerSpitzmiller.com or follow him on Instagram @TylerSpitzmiller